I would like to add thousands of rows of data to an sqlite room database table, sales
, in my android application. Below is an example query that I run in App Inspection to add a single row of data to the sales
table in the database.
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (1, 'Lollipop sweets', 'Food', 'Other', 2, 10, 1680574354950)
I have thousands of rows to add to the sales
table. In SQL it is normally possible to separate multiple queries with a semi-colon (;) and they all get executed one after the other. Is there an equivalent for the room database when using App Inspection queries?
Is it possible to add all the rows at once using App Inspection queries?
If this is not possible. What is a better way add the data?
Is it possible to add all the rows at once using App Inspection queries?
App Inspection only allows a single query to be executed.
Furthermore populating the database via App Inspection will only populate the database on the device(s) used via Android Studio. It would not be a suitable for an App that is made publicly available (if you have existing App then you would probably want to uninstall the App this will effectively delete the database and thus meet the database not existing criteria).
Is there an equivalent for the room database when using App Inspection queries?
Not specifically for Room or via Android Studio.
What is a better way add the data?
Probably to utilise a pre-populated database, that can be created and or maintained via an SQLite Tool, such as-
These all allow some form of import from external data (CSV at least)
However, it should be noted that Room is a restricted form of SQLite, and has expectations which are really requirements. It is suggested that you
annotated classes (i.e. tables), then@Database
annotated abstract class that includes all the @Entity
annotated classes, then@Database
annotated class but suffixed with _Impl
, thencreateAllTables
method (function),
6 copy the SQL for the creation of the tables (ignore the room_master table) into the SQLite tool that you have chosen, then.createFromAsset
method to when you invoke the Room's .databaseBuilder
method.The App, when the database does not exist, will copy the file from the asset to it's expected location. If the App is distributed then the file is part of the package and will therefore be distributed.
Assuming the data is held in a spreadsheet:-
Step 1 Create the @Entity
annotated class (names assumed):-
data class Sale(
var saleid: Long?=null,
var item: String,
var type: String,
var whatever: String,
var unitsPurchased: Int,
var unitCost: Int,
var timestamp: Long
Step 2 Create an @Database
annotated abstract class and define the entity(ies) for the table(s):-
@Database(entities = [Sale::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
Step 3 Successfully compile:-
34 actionable tasks: 7 executed, 27 up-to-date
Step 4/5 Locate the generated java with the SQL for creating the table
and then :-
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sale` (`saleid` INTEGER, `item` TEXT NOT NULL, `type` TEXT NOT NULL, `whatever` TEXT NOT NULL, `unitsPurchased` INTEGER NOT NULL, `unitCost` INTEGER NOT NULL, `timestamp` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`saleid`));
Step 6-A
Create the formula in the spreadsheet (in CELL J1 for example):-
="INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sale VALUES (" & A1 & ",'" & B1 & "','" & C1 & "','" & D1 & "'," & E1 & "," & F1 & "," & G1 & ");"
Copy the forumla to all the other rows with data and then copy all the rows in the J column. Paste these into an SQL/Query of the SQLite Tool (Navicat in this case):-
Step 6-B save the database (with Navicat also close it to properly close the database):-
Step 7 create and the populate the assets folder accordingly.
Use File/New/Folder/Assets and use main :-
The go to the folder where the database file is stored right click it and copy it.
Right click the asset folder in Android Studio and paste renaming the file e.g. :-
Step 8 amend the Room databaseBuilder to use the createFromAsset method
At this stage there is no databaseBuilder method invocation, so:-
interface SaleDAO {
@Query("SELECT * FROM sale")
fun getAllSales(): List<Sale>
@Database(entities = [Sale::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getSaleDAO(): SaleDAO /* Added as it would be added */
companion object {
private var instance: TheDatabase?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,TheDatabase::class.java,"sale.db")
.allowMainThreadQueries() /* included for the brevity of the demo */
.createFromAsset("sale.db") /* <<<<<<<<<< */
return instance as TheDatabase
annotated interface added so something can be done (the database will only be created if it is accessed)Step 9 Show that it works. e.g. add and then run:-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var db: TheDatabase
lateinit var dao: SaleDAO
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db= TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getSaleDAO()
for (s in dao.getAllSales()) {
Log.d("SALEINFO","Item is ${s.item} Type is ${s.type} etc....")
The log includes:-
2023-11-07 07:07:15.426 D/SALEINFO: Item is Lollipop sweets Type is Food etc....
2023-11-07 07:07:15.427 D/SALEINFO: Item is Something Else Type is Food etc....
2023-11-07 07:07:15.428 I/chatty: uid=10808(a.a.so77430897kotlinroomsales) identical 26 lines
App Inspection shows:-