I solved this problem in Mathcad, but I don't know how to transfer it to Python.
I tried this code:
from sympy import symbols, nonlinsolve
Q = np.array([230.8084,119.1916,76.943,153.8654,196.1346])
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 = symbols('x1, x2, x3, x4, x5', real=True)
eq1 = (Q[0]**2)*x1 - (Q[1]**2)*x2 + (Q[2]**2)*x3
eq2 = (Q[0]**2)*x1 + (Q[3]**2)*x4 - (Q[4]**2)*x5 - (Q[2]**2)*x3
eq3 = (Q[2]**2)*x3 - (Q[3]**2)*x4 + (Q[4]**2)*x5
q = nonlinsolve([eq1,eq2,eq3 ], [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5])
Result: {(0, 1.66644368166375x4 - 2.70780339743064x5, 3.99892914904867x4 - 6.49785771642014x5, x4, x5)}
it's fine if x4 and x5 are not found, but the values of each x should be > 0 and < 1. I do not know how to do this with e.g. numpy/scipy.
Here is a solution with scipy.optimize.minimize()
that follows this answer to a related question and that tries to replicate your Mathcad solution:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, Bounds
# We only ever need the squared values of Q, so we square them directly
q_sq = np.array([230.8084, 119.1916, 76.943, 153.8654, 196.1346]) ** 2
# Define the function to be optimized
def f(x):
# Set up the system of equations ...
rows = np.array([[q_sq[0], -q_sq[1], q_sq[2], 0, 0],
[q_sq[0], -q_sq[1], 0, q_sq[3], -q_sq[4]],
[ 0, 0, q_sq[2], -q_sq[3], q_sq[4]]])
y = rows @ x
# ... the results of which should all be zero
return y @ y
lower_bds = 0.001 * np.ones(5) # Constrain all x >= 0.001
upper_bds = 0.999 * np.ones(5) # Constrain all x <= 0.999
initial_guess = lower_bds + 1e-6 # Initial guess slightly above lower bounds
res = minimize(f, x0=initial_guess, bounds=Bounds(lb=lower_bds, ub=upper_bds))
print(f"Converged? {res.success}")
print(f"Result: {res.x}")
# >>> Converged? True
# >>> Result: [0.001 0.00416655 0.001 0.00193571 0.00103738]
The result is pretty close to what you found in Mathcad, although the way to get there was admittedly a bit more tedious here. Note: just like your Mathcad solution but unlike your sympy solution, the approach with scipy.optimize.minimize()
picks a single solution from the solution space.