i am using room database when i insert data, i can not read it again and i dont know what is the problem because there is no error for sql
the question is what is the problem and how sql throws exertion
@Entity(tableName = "boards_table")
class BoardModel {
var Id = ""
var Title =""
id is not auto increase becaus it already created, i am reading an API
interface BoardDAO {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun addBoard(board:BoardModel)
@Query("SELECT * FROM boards_table")
fun readAllData(): LiveData<List<BoardModel>>
@Query("DELETE FROM boards_table")
suspend fun deleteAllBoard()
suspend fun deleteBoard(board:BoardModel)
write in activity
private lateinit var boardDao:BoardDAO
appDb = NimaDatabase.getDatabase(this)
// tempBoardlist from api and it is OK
for (board in tempBoardlist){
GlobalScope.launch {
read in activity
var boardlist = boardDao.readAllData().value
i used @Throws(SQLException::class) but not worked
// this works fine
// class to get from API easily
class board() {
val _id: String = ""
val title: String = ""
//Covert it to BoardModel
fun board.toBoardModel() : BoardModel
val b = BoardModel()
b.Id = _id
b.Title = title
return b
Each Room entity must have access to it, You can make sure Room has access to a field either by making it public or by providing getter and setter methods for it.
Please read room defining-data
You need to define the data class
to have access to setter and getter methods.
@Entity(tableName = "boards_table")
data class BoardModel(
val id : Long,
val title : String
In Activity, it's recommended to use activity lifecycleScope to launch coroutines. Read Use Kotlin coroutines with lifecycle-aware components
lifecycleScope.launch {
// for loop must be in coroutine scope
for(data in list) boardDao.insert(data)
This var boardlist = boardDao.readAllData().value
it will return null
LiveData is an observable data holder. You need to register as an observer.
In Activity:
// Create the observer which updates the UI.
val nameObserver = Observer<List<BoardModel>> { list ->
// Update the UI Hire.
if(list != null) // update list, recyclerview, etc...
lifecycleScope.launch {