I need to create a table using the current date in Azure Databricks. Specifically I need the table name to look like this:
workbench.example_2003-11-5 (if the table were created today)
workbench.example_2003-11-6 (if the table were created tomorrow)
I tried the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE workbench.example_${p.myVar} AS
FROM workbench.example_${p.myVar}
This turns the following error:
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: could not resolve `prd.workbench.example_CURRENT_DATE` to a table-valued function; line 2 pos 5;
'Project [*]
+- 'UnresolvedTableValuedFunction [prd, workbench, example_CURRENT_DATE]
Declaring the parameter in a separate cell create a table named:
Is there a way to pass a date into a table creation command Databricks SQL? If there is no way to do this using Databricks SQL can you do it in Databricks Python?
Please try below one if you are using Azure Databricks -
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
date = spark.sql("""select current_date() as cur_date""").first()["cur_date"]
dt = str(date).replace("-","_")
spark.sql("create table default.`{}` (id int)".format(dt))