I am writing testing for user-manipulation focused webUI application (freeipa).
I want to test addition of multiple users and then their deletions. For that, I need to make sure that users from previous runs are cleaned, especially since in local development the back-end application keeps running without restart (in Github-CI it spawns for each PR run).
Relevant snippet:
Given I am logged in as "admin"
Given I am on "active-users" page
Scenario Outline: Add a new user
When I click on "Add" button
* I type in the field "User login" text "<userLogin>"
* I type in the field "First name" text "<firstName>"
* I type in the field "Last name" text "<lastName>"
* I type in the field "New Password" text "<password>"
* I type in the field "Verify password" text "<password>"
* in the modal dialog I click on "Add" button
Then I should see "<userLogin>" entry in the data table
| userLogin | firstName | lastName | password |
| testuser1 | Arthur | Dent | ILoveKlingonPoetry42 |
| testuser2 | Banana | Bread | FishAndChips097 |
| testuser3 | Cypress | Gateway | TestingIsFun73 |
Scenario: Delete a user
Given I should see "testuser1" entry in the data table
When I select entry "testuser1" in the data table
And I click on "Delete" button
Then I see "Remove active users" modal
When in the modal dialog I check "Delete" radio selector
And in the modal dialog I click on "Delete" button
Then I should not see "testuser1" entry in the data table
What I tried:
(before admin is logged in), therefore it failsBackground
Delete a user
failsAdd a new user
How should I refactor/order my tests in order to start Add a new user
with an empty table, but keep the added users for deletion?
If this violates coupling principle, is it possible viable to re-use scenario in another scenario?
Thank you!
Since you have three example users, can you only run run "clean state" when the the user count equals 3? Or only when testuser2
and testuser3
are present, since Scenario: Delete a user
will take care of #1.
Place the step last in Background.
There is also conditional Before()
with tags, but I don't think it directly slots into your test suite above (since Scenario Outline: Add a new user
runs three times).
Before({ tags: "@clean" }, function () {
The other thing to consider is Cypress/Mocha before()
as opposed to cucumber Before()
which is equivalent to beforeEach()
In cypress/support/e2e.ts
before(() => {