I have this stored procedure in Synapse dedicated sql pool that is renaming a staging table to a main table.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RenameStagingTableToDedicatedTable]
@DedicatedTableName VARCHAR(MAX)
-- Check if the Dedicated table exists
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = @DedicatedTableName)
-- Rename the staging table to the Dedicated table
EXEC sp_rename 'gold.Service_Staging', 'gold.Service'
-- Drop the existing Dedicated table
EXEC ('DROP TABLE ' + @DedicatedTableName)
-- The Dedicated table does not exist, so rename the staging table to the Dedicated table
EXEC sp_rename 'gold.Service_Staging', 'gold.Service'
When executing this stored procedure, I get the following error:
An insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function sp_rename
Any ideas why?
is in preview in Azure Synapse Analytics:
Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics
In sp_rename (preview) for Azure Synapse Analytics, COLUMN is a mandatory value specifying that the object type to be renamed is a column, and must always be included in the sp_rename statement. A column can only be renamed if it's not a distribution column.
So it appears you can only rename columns at present (which seems a strange restriction).
Also, it seems that you might have an XY problem. Staging tables are usually created once and truncated, or simply created and dropped as required.