I have this XML file. It contains C# documentation comments exported by MSBuild (if that's relevant).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Test.TestClass`2">
This is just a test class.
<typeparam name="T1">A generic parameter.</typeparam>
<typeparam name="T2">Another generic parameter.</typeparam>
It is used to test the library.
<typeparamref name="T1"/> is a very nice generic parameter.
Don't see also
<member name="P:Test.TestClass`2.TestProperty">
This is a property of the <see cref="T:Test.TestClass"/> class.
Always returns 0.
Don't see also
<member name="M:Test.TestClass`2.Generic`1(System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List{`0},System.Collections.Generic.List{`3})">
Test of the generic parameters handling.
<member name="M:Test.TestClass`2.DoTheJob(System.String,System.Int32)">
<param name="str">A string.</param>
<param name="integer">A 32-bit integer.</param>
A dummy method. Don't pass 3 to <paramref name="integer"/>.
<member name="T:Test.AnotherTestClass">
A nice little class.
<member name="E:Test.AnotherTestClass.MyEvent">
Occurs very frequently.
anotherTestClass.MyEvent += MyHandler;
<member name="F:Test.AnotherTestClass.StructureOfTheWorld">
Some idiot put this text here.
Contains the <c>structure</c> of the world.
<list type="bullet">
<description>Large shining spheres</description>
<description>Smaller spheres that go around stars</description>
<description>Smaller spheres that go around stars</description>
<term>Black holes</term>
<description>Very curious objects</description>
<member name="M:Test.AnotherTestClass.#ctor(System.Type)">
This is a constructor.
<list type="bullet">
<member name="M:Test.AnotherTestClass.op_Implicit(Test.AnotherTestClass)~System.String">
Just calls ToString().
Do not use.
I want to inspect member
elements one-by-one, searching them by names. I'm using this XPath expression:
which works, but for some curious reason the member
element it returns only has one child element, even if there are more.
If I search for T:Test.AnotherTestClass
, it returns this XML (the indents are copied precisely):
A nice little class.
If I search for T:Test.TestClass`2
, it returns this:
This is just a test class.
So where are the remarks
, typeparam
etc elements?
A minimal reproducible example is not provided. So, I am shooting from the hip.
Please find below a solution based on LINQ to XML API. It is available in the .Net Framework since 2007.
void Main()
const string xmlFile = @"e:\Temp\SNBS.xml";
string memeberName = "T:Test.TestClass`2";
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(xmlFile);
var xelem = xdoc.Descendants("member")
.Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == memeberName);
<member name="T:Test.TestClass`2">
<summary>This is just a test class.</summary>
<typeparam name="T1">A generic parameter.</typeparam>
<typeparam name="T2">Another generic parameter.</typeparam>
<remarks>It is used to test the library.
<typeparamref name="T1" />is a very nice generic parameter.</remarks>
<seealso>Don't see also</seealso>