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Turn-off tooltip in Superset

does anbody kwno how I can modify the properties of the tooltip in Superset using CSS? My goad is to completely deactivate the tooltip. I tried the following which solved my problem partially:


BUT: I still see a small black square instead of the tooltip. How can I get rid of this square?

enter image description here

EDIT: below is a screenshot of the map and the code. When I scroll over the map, that yellowish highlighted class ('css-y3eng8') appears and it is dynamic in a sense, that it changes the class name when I move over the map.

enter image description here

Here is a link to the copy of outer HTML:


  • Your custom CSS does not point to correct element

    enter image description here

    The custom CSS should be:

    #chart-id-182 > div > div:nth-child(2) {
      display: none;

    Don't worry about #chart-id-182, it always be fixed for a chart