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Aborting a query using trpc react-query


Canceling with React Query

The standard way to abort a query using react-query is to use the AbortController to abort the fetch request (reference

const query = useQuery({
  queryKey: ['todos'],
  queryFn: async ({ signal }) => {
    const resp = await fetch('/todos', { signal })
    return resp.json()

const queryClient = useQueryClient()

return (
    onClick={(e) => {
      queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] })

Cancelling with TRPC Proxy Client

You can use an abort controller with this as well (reference

// 1. Create an AbortController instance - this is a standard javascript API
const ac = new AbortController();
// 2. Pass the signal to a query or mutation
const query = proxy.userById.query('id_bilbo', { signal: ac.signal });
// 3. Cancel the request if needed


Cancelling with TRPC React Query Client

This is where I am lost. Here we do not have the access to the underlying fetch (which we did in standard React Query) and there is no way to pass in a signal that I could find in the docs. You can see the docs here :


  • It should work by passing abortOnUnmount: true (as shown in the docs link you posted). Contrary to the name, this just forwards the AbortSignal to fetch, which means requests will also be cancelled if you call trpc.useUtils().userById.cancel()