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(terraform) Variables not allowed: Variables may not be used here

I am creating some resources via Terraform that look like this:

resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "xx" {
  family                   = "xx"
  network_mode             = "awsvpc"
  requires_compatibilities = ["FARGATE", "EC2"]
  container_definitions    = <<TASK_DEFINITION
    "name": "primary",
    "image": "xx",
    "environment": [

I do not want to push the hardocded value of a variable (eg CONTAINER_CONFIG) to Github. I don't run terraform apply locally. Terraform is only applied when code is pushed and Github actions run.

How can I use enviornment variables to ensure that the github actions can use the actual variable value without actually pushing the value?

I already created a Github secret and added it to my to Github action .yml file like this:

 - name: Terraform apply
        if: steps.plan.outputs.exitcode == 2
        run: terraform apply tfplan

and put this in my file:

  type      = string
  default   = var.TF_VAR_CONTAINER_CONFIG
  sensitive = true

With this setup, I get this error on terraform init:

Error: Variables not allowed
│ On line 3: Variables may not be used here.

If I remove the following part


I would still get this error:

Error: ECS Task Definition container_definitions is invalid: Error decoding JSON: invalid character 'v' looking for beginning of value
│   with aws_ecs_task_definition.xx,
│   on line 53, in resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "xx":
│   53:   container_definitions    = <<TASK_DEFINITION
│   54:   [
│   55:   {
│   56:     "name": "preview",
│   57:     "image": "",
│   58:     "environment": [
│   59:       {"PORT": "80", "CONTAINER_CONFIG": var.CONTAINER_CONFIG}


  • The environment variable TF_VAR_CONTAINER_CONGIF will automatically be picked up by Terraform, and used to fill the value of the CONTAINER_CONFIG variable defined in your Terraform code.

    The syntax you are trying to use here is incorrect:

    variable "CONTAINER_CONFIG" {
      type      = string
      default   = var.TF_VAR_CONTAINER_CONFIG
      sensitive = true

    The syntax is trying to tell Terraform to use another variable as the default value for this variable. That's invalid because you can't have variables reference other variables. What you are actually trying to do is tell Terraform to pull in an Environment variable here, but this isn't the correct syntax for that either.

    Just delete the entire default = var.TF_VAR_CONTAINER_CONFIG line, and you will get past this error.