Have a task and need to figure out the start velocity of an iron ball shot vertically upwards. We know this information.
The values from your image are as follows:
Assuming you can neglect air resistance, you could use the kinematic equation:
v^2 + u^2 = 2as
We can rearrange the equation to solve for the start velocity u:
u = sqrt(v^2 -2as)
Implementing this in Python is relatively straightforward:
def calculate_start_velocity(displacement: float,
acceleration: float) -> float:
"""Calculate the start velocity for an object given its displacement and acceleration.
displacement: The displacement of the object (maximum height reached).
acceleration: The acceleration (should be negative for gravity).
float: The calculated start velocity.
final_velocity_squared = 0 # Since final velocity at max height is 0.
start_velocity_squared = final_velocity_squared - 2 * acceleration * displacement
start_velocity = start_velocity_squared**0.5
return start_velocity
def main() -> None:
"""Main function to calculate and print the start velocity."""
max_height = 80.0 # Displacement.
gravity = -9.805 # Acceleration due to gravity.
start_velocity = calculate_start_velocity(max_height, gravity)
print(f'Initial velocity of the sphere: {start_velocity:.2f} m/s')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Initial velocity of the sphere: 39.61 m/s
Assuming that air resistance is supposed to be taken into account you can use scipy.optimze.newton
(which uses the secant method when the derivative of the function is not provided):
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import newton
def find_initial_velocity(v0, mass, drag_coefficient, air_density, diameter, g,
Compute the difference between the calculated max height and actual
max height for a given initial velocity considering air resistance.
# Time step for numerical simulation
dt = 0.01 # in seconds
velocity = v0
height = 0
while velocity > 0:
# Drag force
area = np.pi * (diameter / 2)**2
drag_force = 0.5 * drag_coefficient * air_density * area * velocity**2
# Net acceleration (both gravity and drag slow down the sphere)
acceleration = g + drag_force / mass
# Update velocity and height
velocity -= acceleration * dt
height += velocity * dt
return height - max_height
def main():
"""Calculate the initial velocity of a sphere shot upwards."""
# Given constants
mass = 263.8602726 # in kg
density_of_iron = 7874 # in kg/m^3
drag_coefficient = 0.47
air_density = 1.225 # in kg/m^3
max_height = 80 # in m
g = 9.805 # in m/s^2
# Calculate diameter of the sphere
volume = mass / density_of_iron
radius = (3 * volume / (4 * np.pi))**(1 / 3)
diameter = 2 * radius
# Initial guess for the initial velocity
initial_guess = np.sqrt(2 * g * max_height)
# Find the initial velocity using the Secant method
initial_velocity = newton(find_initial_velocity,
args=(mass, drag_coefficient, air_density,
diameter, g, max_height))
print(f'Initial velocity of the sphere: {initial_velocity:.2f} m/s')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Initial velocity of the sphere: 39.88 m/s