Search code examples

SwiftUI - custom buttom next to iOS search bar

I want to achieve something like this in my SwiftUI project:

something like this:

I am looking to add a custom button next to the search bar, but I am unable to find relevant information online. Is it possible to achieve this without using custom code, or do I need to use a custom search bar? Thank you in advance for your help.


  • You could try this simple all SwiftUI approach, replacing the .searchable(...) with a .toolbar containing a TextField and a Button in a HStack.

    For example:

    struct ContentView: View {
        let fruits = ["apples", "pears", "bananas", "apricot", "oranges"]
        @State var selection: String?
        @State var search = ""
        var body: some View {
            NavigationStack {
                List(selection: $selection) {
                    ForEach(fruits.filter{searchFor($0)}, id: \.self) { fruit in
                .toolbar {
                    ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
                        HStack {
                            TextField("🔍 Search", text: $search)
                                .font(.system(size: 22, weight: .light, design: .default))
                                .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5, style: .continuous))
                            Button(action: {
                                print("-----> Button pressed")
                                // ...
                            }) {
                                Image(systemName: "line.3.horizontal.decrease")
                        .frame(width: 300, height: 26) // adjust the size to your purpose
        private func searchFor(_ txt: String) -> Bool {
            return (txt.lowercased(with: .current).hasPrefix(search.lowercased(with: .current)) || search.isEmpty)