###It seems to me there has to be nicer way find a dataclass object than to loop through all to find the specific one.
#My way, that I hope to improve:
def changeValueOf(primaryKey):
for item in self.addlist:
if item.id == primaryKey:
# Do stuff...
listOfKeys = "AA BB CC".split()
class Feld:
id: str
value1: str
value2: str
value3: str
self.addlist: List = []
for element in Daten:
data = Feld(element[0], element[1], element[2], int(element[3]))
A common and efficient approach to keeping track of all instances of a class is to store each instance in a class variable of a dict by a certain key, and use a class method to retrieve an instance by the key. In your case, use the id
attribute as the key:
from typing import ClassVar
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Feld:
_id_to_instance: ClassVar[dict] = {}
id: str
value: str
def __post_init__(self):
self._id_to_instance[self.id] = self
def get_instance_by_id(cls, id):
return cls._id_to_instance[id]
so that:
for id, value in ('id1', 'value1'), ('id2', 'value2'):
Feld(id, value)
Feld(id='id2', value='value2')