I just installed ruby 3.0.4 using rbenv install 3.0.4
, which worked, but rbenv still says:
$ rbenv versions
rbenv: version `3.0' is not installed (set by /home/dombek/code/.ruby-version)
Shouldn't it find 3.0.4 when 3.0 is requested? How can I fix that?
Shouldn't it find 3.0.4 when 3.0 is requested?
Nope. This is expected behaviour. rbenv expects the exact version specified in the .ruby-version
file to be installed and set for use.
How can I fix that?
Depends what you mean by fix. The obvious answer here is to just specify the correct version:
echo '3.0.4' > /home/dombek/code/.ruby-version
Alternatively, you can set 3.0.4 globally or locally using rbenv:
rbenv global 3.0.4
# or
rbenv local 3.0.4
After changing the version, you should rehash rbenv to apply changes:
rbenv rehash
Finally, I'm not sure how practical this is, but you could theoretically write a bash script that lets you specify a ruby version like "3.0". Something like:
set_nearest_rbenv_version() {
nearest_version=$(rbenv versions --bare | grep -E "^$desired_version" | tail -1)
if [ -n "$nearest_version" ]; then
rbenv global $nearest_version
echo "Set to nearest version: $nearest_version"
echo "No matching versions found."
set_nearest_rbenv_version 3.0
^ untested.