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Reusing Cucumber SpringBoot Tests for local and remote integration tests

I have below setup

  • Springboot v3.x
  • Cucumber v7.x
  • Junit v5.x
  • Maven v3.x

I am able to run cucumber test with below configuration to test SpringBoot Application running locally using maven failsafe plugin.

Note: The configuration uses @SpringBootTest annotation to start the SubjectUnderTest(SUT) before the running the Test.

@ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "com.example.bdd.stepdefs")
@ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PROPERTY_NAME,
    value = "pretty," +
     "html:target/tests-reports/report.html," +
     "json:target/tests-reports/report.json," +
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class FunctionalIT {

My Requirements:

  1. Reuse the same cucumber tests to validate the springboot application started using the @SpringBootTest during the maven integration test, as well as testing the deployed application on remote environments (e.g. qa, prod)
  2. Leverage Spring files and profiles for the environment specific configuration.
  3. Only start the minimum required Spring ApplicationContext depending on the test to be run against the local app (@SpringBootTest) vs remote app (No @SpringBootTest annotation).
  4. Specify the active profile as needed e.g. or And only that profile should be used by the Spring.

I tried few options without much success so far, I faced below issues:

  1. Tried createing another test class for remote environments without @SpringBootTest annotation, but @CucumberContextConfiguration is only allowed on single class.
  2. If I separate all cucumber config in its own class, the junit is not running the cucumber tests. Aparently @CucumberContextConfiguration needs to be applied on @SpringBootTest or @ContextConfiguration only.

Any idea how to get the setup working for the above requirements ?


  • I solved the problem with the below changes.

    1. Custom Annotation for common cucumber configuration
    package com.example.bdd.config;
    @ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PROPERTY_NAME,
        value = "pretty," +
         "html:target/tests-reports/report.html," +
         "json:target/tests-reports/report.json," +
    public @interface CucumberTestSuite {
    1. Test runner for testing SUT (setup using @SpringBootTest) for local/ci builds.
    package com.example.bdd.env.test;
    @ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, 
        value = "com.example.bdd.stepdefs," + 
    @ContextConfiguration(initializers = ApplicationInitializer.class)
    @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
    public class ComponentIT {
    # Note: ApplicationInitializer takes care of spinning up required dependencies (mocks/stubs) for the Component Testing. 
    1. Test runner for testing SUT in a remote QA environment
    package com.example.bdd.env.acceptance;
    @ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, 
        value = "com.example.bdd.stepdefs," + 
    public class AcceptanceIT {
    1. different maven profiles in pom.xml

    Now for running

    1. mvn clean verify runs unit tests and ComponentIT by default (for local and CI environment)
    2. mvn clean verify -P acceptance-tests -Denv=qa runs AcceptanceIT tests on qa environment, like wise -Denv=stage or -Denv=prod to run tests against the stage and prod environments respectively.