I want to pass two argument (let say x and y) to a pyspark udf.
#I want to pass x and y as argument
@udf (returnType=StringType())
def my_udf(str,x,y):
return some_result
#Now call the udf on pyspark dataframe (df)
#I don't know how we can pass two arguemnt x and y here while calling udf
To pass the variable to pyspak UDF ,you can use lit functiond from pyspark.sql.functions module.This allows us to pass constant values as arguments to UDF.
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
@udf (returnType=StringType())
def my_udf(str,x,y):
return some_result
#Now call the udf on pyspark dataframe (df)
#I don't know how we can pass two arguemnt x and y here while calling udf
Hope this helps.