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How do I disable the emoji picker in the message input box in get stream?

I can't seem to figure out how to disable the EmojiPicker on my GetStream React app. I've read this documentation about how to create a custom EmojiPicker, but I can't seem to figure out how to disable the element entirely: Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


  • As stated on this page, the important part is to provide a CustomInput (which can be named differently) to the Channel's Input parameter.

    Creating a custom input (taken from the docs, but omitting the EmojiPicker) can be done like this:

    const CustomInput = () => {
      return (
            <QuotedMessagePreview />
            <UploadsPreview />
            <ChatAutoComplete />
            <FileUploadButton />
            <SendButton />

    This can then be input into the app tree like this:

    <Chat client={client}>
      <Channel channel={channel} Input={CustomInput}>
        <MessageList />
        <MessageInput />

    The place where this customization is described is here.