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Parsing a PowerShell PSCustomObject XML with Excel VBS

I spent hours trying to find my own solution, but failed :( All I want to do is Read in the XML and create a Muti-Layered-Array or ArrayList.

This is an example of the output from Powershell..

<Objs Version="" xmlns="">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <I32 N="RefNum">1</I32>
      <S N="Name">MyVMName</S>
      <S N="Type">VM</S>
      <!-- Additional properties -->
  <!-- Additional objects -->

This is one of many attempts but feel free to tear it apart.

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
xmlDoc.Async = False

' Load the PowerShell XML content
xmlDoc.Load "your_powershell_xml_file.xml"

If xmlDoc.ParseError = 0 Then
    ' Use the namespace in XPath queries
    xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:ps=''"

    ' Select all PSCustomObject elements
    Set customObjects = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//ps:Obj[TN/T='System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject']")

    ' Iterate through PSCustomObject elements
    For Each customObject In customObjects
        ' Access properties within the PSCustomObject
        RefNum = customObject.SelectSingleNode("MS/I32[@N='RefNum']").Text
        Name = customObject.SelectSingleNode("MS/S[@N='Name']").Text
        Type = customObject.SelectSingleNode("MS/S[@N='Type']").Text

        ' Display the parsed properties
        WScript.Echo "RefNum: " & RefNum
        WScript.Echo "Name: " & Name
        WScript.Echo "Type: " & Type
    ' Handle XML parsing error
    WScript.Echo "Error loading PowerShell XML: " & xmlDoc.ParseError.Reason
End If

Any Help to using VBS Reading in the XML Made from Powershell and populate a a Muti-Layered-Array or ArrayList. It fails at "xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//ps:Obj[TN/T='System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject']")"


  • Each named element in an XPath query must use the appropriate namespace prefix.

    Therefore, for instance, replace:

    Set customObjects = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//ps:Obj[TN/T='System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject']")

    with (note the ps: prefix in all element names):

    Set customObjects = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//ps:Obj[ps:TN/ps:T='System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject']")

    The same applies analogously to the subsequent .SelectSingleNode() calls.

    To put it all together:

    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
    xmlDoc.Async = False
    ' Load the PowerShell XML content
    xmlDoc.Load "C:\path\to\your\file.xml"
    If xmlDoc.ParseError = 0 Then
        ' Use the namespace in XPath queries
        xmlDoc.SetProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:ps=''"
        ' Select all PSCustomObject elements
        Set customObjects = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//ps:Obj[ps:TN/ps:T='System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject']")
        ' Iterate through PSCustomObject elements
        For Each customObject In customObjects
            ' Access properties within the PSCustomObject
            refNumAttr = customObject.SelectSingleNode("ps:MS/ps:I32[@N='RefNum']").Text
            nameAttr = customObject.SelectSingleNode("ps:MS/ps:S[@N='Name']").Text
            typeAttr = customObject.SelectSingleNode("ps:MS/ps:S[@N='Type']").Text
            ' Display the parsed properties
            Wscript.Echo ("RefNum: " & refNumAttr)
            Wscript.Echo ("Name: " & nameAttr)
            Wscript.Echo ("Type: " & typeAttr)
        ' Handle XML parsing error
        Wscript.Echo ("Error loading PowerShell XML: " & xmlDoc.ParseError.Reason)
    End If


    • To run the code in Excel's Visual Basic for Application (VBA) code editor, with diagnostic output to the Immediate Window, replace Wscript.Echo with Debug.Print.