I have 800x800 portrait image and want to crop into it, finding the face and "framing it" in the centre, while maintaining a 3:4 aspect ratio (outline select box).
So I almost need to calculate some kind of "centre point" of the calculated top
, bottom
, left
and right
and crop into that point (red dots).
I believe I'm someway off reaching this goal as my python isn't particularly good - here's what I have so far:
cropped_face_image = numpy.array(PIL.Image.open(BytesIO(image.content)))[
top:bottom, left:right
pil_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(cropped_face_image)
This just hard-crops the face from the image.
You could do something like this:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open('FlKyDm.png.jpeg')
top, bottom, left, right = 95, 177 , 70, 150
# Calculate centre of face and box
centreX, centreY = int((left+right)/2), int((top+bottom)/2)
# Calculate face width
faceW = right - left
# Calculate half width of box and half height of box
boxHalfW = faceW
boxHalfH = int((boxHalfW * 4) / 3)
# Crop accordingly
res = im.crop((centreX-boxHalfW, centreY-boxHalfH, centreX+boxHalfW, centreY+boxHalfH))