After configuring Testcontainers in my project, Quarkus keeps starting a container every time I run a test with @QuarkusTest, even if the test doesn't use Testcontainers.
My Testcontainers configuration:
public class MongoIntegrationTest {
public static final MongoDBContainer mongoDBContainer = new MongoDBContainer(
public static class Initializer implements QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager {
public Map<String, String> start() {
// the way to dynamically expose allocated port
return Maps.of("quarkus.mongodb.connection-string",
"mongodb://" + mongoDBContainer.getHost() + ":"
+ mongoDBContainer.getMappedPort(27017));
public void stop() {
My test that requires Testcontainers, as it uses MongoDB:
public class ClassMongoTest {
void test(){
But now, any class configured with @QuarkusTest is starting the MongoDB container...
class ClassNormalTest {
void test(){
So, when I run my ClassNormalTest, Quarkus starts the containers...
Printscreen showing the Testcontainers containers:
Why? What do I need to do to fix this?
Use this on your test class:
@QuarkusTestResource(value = MongoIntegrationTest.Initializer.class, restrictToAnnotatedClass = true)
This will only startup Mongo on this test class.