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After Running a Custom Scirpt in Power Automate how to get the Output in a new Variable

I am running a custom PowerShell Script in Power Automate desktop

this is the script

    # Get the 1st day of the current month
$now_date = Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year -Format "dd-MMM-yy"

# Get the last day of the current month
$month_after = (Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1) -Format "dd-MMM-yy"

# Initialize variables for the previous month's 1st and last days
$prev_month_first = $null
$prev_month_last = $null

# Check if now_date and month_after are the same
if ($now_date -eq $month_after) {
    # Calculate the 1st day of the previous month
    $prev_month_first = (Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).Month -Year (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).Year) -Format "dd-MMM-yy"

    # Calculate the last day of the previous month
    $prev_month_last = (Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year).AddDays(-1) -Format "dd-MMM-yy"

# Output the values
$now_date, $month_after, $prev_month_first, $prev_month_last

Now when I set a new variable in power automate desktop I cant get the output of my 4 variables here

I set a new variable name it to "Now_Date" and in value I put %now_date%

The output that the script gives me is named as %PowershellOutput%

but the result is always empty I don’t mind getting the result in text format as well because I have to copy paste it somewhere

Please can someone help with this


  • Your Script produces errors and thus returns a blank.

    Enable the ScriptError variable under the variables produced options. EnableVariableForError

    There are other errors in your script: errorList

    The script should be this:

    # Get the 1st day of the current month
    $now_date = Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year -Format "dd-MMM-yy"
    # Get the last day of the current month
    $month_after = Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).AddMonths(1).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year -Format "dd-MMM-yy"
    # Initialize variables for the previous month's 1st and last days
    $prev_month_first = $null
    $prev_month_last = $null
    # Check if now_date and month_after are the same
    if ($now_date -eq $month_after) {
        # Calculate the 1st day of the previous month
        $prev_month_first = Get-Date -Day 1 -Month (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year -Format "dd-MMM-yy"    
        #calculate last day of month
        $last_days_in_month = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth((Get-Date).Year, (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).Month)
        # Calculate the last day of the previous month
        $prev_month_last =  Date -Day $last_days_in_month -Month (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1).Month -Year (Get-Date).Year -Format "dd-MMM-yy"
    # Output the values
    $now_date, $month_after, $prev_month_first, $prev_month_last

    Get your script to run correctly in PowerShell, when I tested your script in Windows PowerShell ISE I got the same errors.

    Once your script passes you will see the output in %PowershellOutput% this will be a multiline string, so you could use the Split Text action in power automate desktop to get a list, after which you can get the values according to the index in TextList variable.

    copy and then paste this text to a power automate desktop

    Text.SplitText.SplitWithDelimiter Text: PowershellOutput CustomDelimiter: $'''\\n''' IsRegEx: True Result=> TextList

    You should get something like this splittextaction

    Get the values using the index position, so %TextList[1]% will give you the string calculated by $month_after.

    If you wanted to return everything as a single string then you can write your last line something like

    Write-Host "$($now_date), $($month_after) ...etc"