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How do you make controls adapt to change in screen size but with the same resolution?

I'm currently having a hard time making controls adapt to different screen sizes. I'm using both a laptop with a 14inch screen and a 24inch screen on a desktop. I've tried containing them in a Viewbox, set all height and width to Auto. It works on some controls but others, I'm really having a hard time with. I'm currently using * on the Grid Layout for Row and Column definitions.

This is currently my code for one control:

<!--  Button Background When Selected  -->
       Source="/Assets/Background/SelectionButtonBackground.png" />

When I modify the margins so that it will look exactly what I want on the desktop monitor, it will somehow look different on the laptop monitor.

14" Laptop Monitor output:

enter image description here

24" Desktop Monitor output:

enter image description here

I need to make sure that the image behind the button (the white space with rounded corners) will be like the one on the desktop when run on my laptop.



  • So you have multiple ViewBoxes? If you want the whole thing to scale, wrap the entire screen/page in a ViewBox. That'll apply a unified scale to everything based on the available screen space.

    It'd be better to leverage WPF's composable UI, though. You're using a lot of pixel fudging so you're working against yourself. It'd be better to use grids in a proportional way or a flow control in its proper context, depending on what you want to achieve.