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How to cretae a conda environment with basic libraries (numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib) pre-installled?

Every time I create a new Python environment through Anaconda, I have to install even the basic python libraries all the time. The numpy, pandas, matplotlib, etc. are such basic libraries that everyone needs them. Is there a sing;le command that can create the new environment whilst the mentioned libraries are pre-installed?


  • Easiest way is to use command :

    conda create -n env_full anaconda

    It will install all packages that Anaconda includes

    Second option is just listing packages you want to preinstall when creating env eg:

    conda create -n new_env python=3.11 pandas scipy matplotlib

    Remember you can always choose what distribution of package will be installed, simply by adding version of package like:

    conda create -n new_env python =3.11 pandas=1.5, scipy=1.9.3

    Adttionaly you can paste file with packages you want to be downloaded when creating new env with method:

    --file 'dir to text file with packages'

    You can read about options of cretaing envs in official docs:

    Edit: Quick follow to my answer as bets practice sharing - I higly recomend cretaing file with packages you always use in your enviroment and just pass them with --file command when creating enviroment -> saves a lot of time :)