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In RDLC report's IIF condition's else block always executed and throwing the exception

I am trying to execute the below expression in RDLC report against the column MyColumn,


And I am getting the #Error when Incident_Custom_Column_152.value is null. Please let us know why else block evaluated?


  • I have resolved the issue by adding the custom function and then called custom function from column expression,


    Public Function TestFucntion(ByVal rca as String) as String Dim result as String If IsNothing(rca) Then result=rca Else If(rca.IndexOf("/") = -1) Then result=rca.Substring(0, Len(rca) - rca.IndexOf("/") - 1 ) Else result=rca End If End If Return result End Function

    called like below in column expression
