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Cannot modify autoSubscribeNewMembers of Group via MS Graph

I can successfully create a group in MS Graph. I am trying to update the autoSubscribeNewMembers property, but when I do I receive an error which states: "User does not have permissions to execute this action."

Here's the code I'm using:

$groupData = @{
        displayName                 = 'TESTGROUPNAME'
        mailNickname                = 'TESTGROUPNAME'
        description                 = 'TESTGROUPNAME'
        visibility                  = 'Private'
        groupTypes                  = @('Unified')
        mailEnabled                 = $true
        securityEnabled             = $true
        "resourceBehaviorOptions"   = @("WelcomeEmailDisabled")
        "owners@odata.bind"         = @('<USERID>')

$newGroup   = Invoke-MgGraphRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Body $groupData `
    -Method POST

$updatePayload = @{autoSubscribeNewMembers=$true}
$response   = Invoke-MgGraphRequest                                             `
    -Uri        ('{0}' -f $newGroup.Id) `
    -Method     PATCH                                                           `
    -Body       $updatePayload                                                  `
    -OutputType HttpResponseMessage

At this point I get the error described.

I've confirmed that the app does have the required permissions:

enter image description here

Does anybody have any suggestions how I can make this work? Thank you all for your time.


  • As mentioned in this MS Document, updating autoSubscribeNewMembers support only Delegated permissions.

    When you use certificate-based authentication while connecting with MS Graph, it uses Application type permissions (app-only access) that won't work for updating autoSubscribeNewMembers .

    I registered one Azure AD application and granted similar API permissions as below:

    enter image description here

    When I ran your code in my environment by connecting MS Graph with certificate, new group created but updating autoSubscribeNewMembers property failed with same error as below:

    Connect-MgGraph  -TenantId "tenantId" -ClientId "appId" -CertificateThumbprint "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -NoWelcome
    $groupData = @{
            displayName                 = 'SRITESTGROUP'
            mailNickname                = 'SRITESTGROUP'
            description                 = 'SRITESTGROUP'
            visibility                  = 'Private'
            groupTypes                  = @('Unified')
            mailEnabled                 = $true
            securityEnabled             = $true
            "resourceBehaviorOptions"   = @("WelcomeEmailDisabled")
            "owners@odata.bind"         = @('')
    $newGroup   = Invoke-MgGraphRequest `
        -Uri '' `
        -Body $groupData `
        -Method POST
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
    $updatePayload = @{autoSubscribeNewMembers=$true}
    $response   = Invoke-MgGraphRequest                                             `
        -Uri        ('{0}' -f $newGroup.Id) `
        -Method     PATCH                                                           `
        -Body       $updatePayload                                                  `
        -OutputType HttpResponseMessage


    enter image description here

    To resolve the error, you need to use interactive flows to connect with MS Graph that uses Delegated permissions.

    In my case, I ran below commands and connected to MS Graph with delegated access as a user:

    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Group.ReadWrite.All

    enter image description here

    When I ran the code again now, new group created and updated autoSubscribeNewMembers property successfully as below:

    $groupData = @{
            displayName                 = 'TESTGROUPSRI'
            mailNickname                = 'TESTGROUPSRI'
            description                 = 'TESTGROUPSRI'
            visibility                  = 'Private'
            groupTypes                  = @('Unified')
            mailEnabled                 = $true
            securityEnabled             = $true
            "resourceBehaviorOptions"   = @("WelcomeEmailDisabled")
            "owners@odata.bind"         = @('')
    $newGroup   = Invoke-MgGraphRequest `
        -Uri '' `
        -Body $groupData `
        -Method POST
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
    $updatePayload = @{autoSubscribeNewMembers=$true}
    $response   = Invoke-MgGraphRequest                                             `
        -Uri        ('{0}' -f $newGroup.Id) `
        -Method     PATCH                                                           `
        -Body       $updatePayload                                                  `
        -OutputType HttpResponseMessage


    enter image description here

    To confirm that, I ran below command where autoSubscribeNewMembers property is true like this:

    Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups
    Get-MgGroup -GroupId $newGroup.Id -Property "displayName,autoSubscribeNewMembers" | Select-Object displayName,autoSubscribeNewMembers


    enter image description here