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How to unmarshall a string constant object from JSON to as a Java Object?

I have the following JSON:


Under the lineDiagnostics, we have the "C4000LG2020253739": {...} and I need the contents from inside this object for my further calculations, could anyone please let me know how can this be achieved?

I am using Jackson to map the JSON values to a Java class.

Note: This particular string value "C4000LG2020253739":{...} will change with every microservice call(and not the contents inside this{...}), so I am facing problem with creating a general purpose Java class for this JSON structure.

I am using Jackson to map the JSON values to a Java class:

public class Class1{
    //historical speed response structure : map from json response
    String code;
    String message;

    DataSpeeds dataSpeeds;

public class DataSpeeds {
    List<Results> results;

    String lineId;

public class Results {

    String lineId;

    LineDiagnostics lineDiagnostics;

public class LineDiagnostics {
    Ap ap;

Inside the LineDiagnostics object, I need to map the "C4000LG2020253739":{...} from JSON, how can this be done? any pointers?


  • Option 1

    At least you can deserialize json to Map and retrieve required data from it.

    public static Map<String, Object> getLineDiagnosticByLineId(File file, String lineId) throws IOException {
        TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>> typeRef = new TypeReference<>() {
        Map<String, Object> map = new ObjectMapper().readValue(file, typeRef);
        Map<String, Object> data = (Map<String, Object>) map.getOrDefault("data", Map.of());
        List<Object> results = (List<Object>) data.getOrDefault("results", List.of());
                .map(result -> (Map<String, Object>) result)
                .filter(result -> lineId.equals(result.get("lineId")))
                .map(result -> result.getOrDefault("lineDiagnostics", List.of()))
                .map(lineDiagnostics -> (Map<String, Object>) lineDiagnostics)

    Option 2

    But I recommend you to build a model and use it instead of Map.

    Simple model could look like this:

    public class DataModel {
        private Integer code;
        private String message;
        private Data data;
        public static class Data {
            private List<Result> results;
        public static class Result {
            private String lineId;
            private Map<String, Object> lineDiagnostics;
            private Integer analysisDay;

    And your business code like:

    public static Map<String, Object> getLineDiagnosticByLineId(File file, String lineId) throws IOException {
        DataModel dataModel = new ObjectMapper().readValue(file, DataModel.class);
        return dataModel.getData().getResults().stream()
                .filter(result -> lineId.equals(result.getLineId()))

    Option 3

    And finally. You can solve your problem with mup Map<String, Object> inside LineDiagnostics and define setter with @JsonAnySetter annotation.

    public class DataModel {
        private Integer code;
        private String message;
        private Data data;
        public static class Data {
            private List<Result> results;
        public static class Result {
            private String lineId;
            private LineDiagnostics lineDiagnostics;
            private Integer analysisDay;
        public static class LineDiagnostics {
            private Map<String, LineDiagnostic> lineDiagnostics = new HashMap<>();
            public void setLineDiagnostic(String key, LineDiagnostic value) {
                lineDiagnostics.put(key, value);
        public static class LineDiagnostic {
            private Ap ap;
            private Object anInterface;
            private Object station;
            private Object multiWan;
        public static class Ap {
            private BroadbandDsThroughput broadbandDsThroughput;
            private BroadbandUsThroughput broadbandUsThroughput;
        public static class BroadbandDsThroughput {
            private List<BroadbandThroughput> broadbandDsThroughput;
        public static class BroadbandUsThroughput {
            private List<BroadbandThroughput> broadbandUsThroughput;
        public static class BroadbandThroughput {
            private Double average;
            private Double std;
            private Double detection;
            private Integer numErrorFreeSamples;
            private Integer sampleMaxPercentile;
            private Long latestSampleTimestamp;
            private Integer sampleMax;
            private String url;
            private Integer videoQuality;
            private Integer serviceDetection;
            private List<Integer> percentile;
            private Integer latestSample;
            private String primaryIp;
            private Double speedTestTrafficMb;

    And your final result should look like this:

    public static DataModel.LineDiagnostics getLineDiagnosticByLineId(File file, String lineId) throws IOException {
        DataModel dataModel = new ObjectMapper().readValue(file, DataModel.class);
        return dataModel.getData().getResults().stream()
                .filter(result -> lineId.equals(result.getLineId()))