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Getting exit code from the application running in a container (kubernetes)

I am trying to get the exit from the application running in a kubernetes cluster. I can see the pod status as Error but I am interested in getting the exact exit code.

Docker File:

# getting base image 

# Copy powershell scripts
COPY scripts/ scripts/

# copy app
COPY app/ app/

# run script 
ENTRYPOINT ["powershell", "C:\\scripts\\myscript.ps1"]


# Run script 1
Invoke-Expression "& `"C:\\scripts\\myscript1.ps1`" "

# Run script 2
Invoke-Expression "& `"C:\\scripts\\myscript2.ps1`" "

#Invoke exe
Invoke-Expression "& `"C:\app\MyApp.exe`" "

# Write Exit Code

Write-Host "Exit with Exit Code"


On error, I can see the pod status as 'Error' but I need to get the exact exit code returned from myscript.ps1. I can see the exit code when I look at the Pod's log but I don't see it in the container exit code.

I have also tried this How to start container with kubectl and get exit code back? without kubectl exec But getting status as true or false

kubectl run myjob4 -it --restart=Never --restart=Never --overrides='"{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeSelector\":{\"\":\"Windows2019\",\"\":\"windows\"}}}"'


10 Exit with Exit Code pod default/myjob5 terminated (Error)




Instead of false, how can I get the exit code of 10 ( in this case ) ?


  • Only the -File parameter of the PowerShell CLI (powershell.exe for Windows PowerShell, pwsh for PowerShell (Core) 7+) passes a script file's exit code through as-is, and using -File is the proper way to invoke a script file.

    • powershell.exe defaults to the -Command CLI parameter (whereas pwsh defaults to -File), and it only reports an abstract exit code by default, namely 0 if the last statement executed succeeded, and 1 otherwise. See this answer for details.

    Therefore, use the following in your Dockerfile:

    # run script 
    ENTRYPOINT ["powershell", "-File", "C:\\scripts\\myscript.ps1"]

    Two asides:

    Therefore, use the following in your PowerShell script:

    # Alternatively, simply:
    #  C:\scripts\myscript1.ps1 
    & "C:\scripts\myscript1.ps1"
    # Run script 2
    & "C:\scripts\myscript2.ps1"
    #Invoke exe
    & "C:\app\MyApp.exe"
    # ...