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Dataflow flex template fails with error "Unknown non-composite transform urn"

I am trying to run an Apache Beam flow using Google Cloud Dataflow Flex-template but the template I created continue to fail with the following error message:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Transform ReadingFileFromSamples-Read-Impulse is not a composite transform but does not have a specified URN.
outputs {
    key: "org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection.<init>:397#bb20b45fd4d95138"
    value: "ReadingFileFromSamples/Read/Impulse.out"

The code is very simple Kotlin version of wordcount using Apache Beam v2.51.0:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("app.fp8.sample.kbeam.MainTK")
    val options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(*args).withValidation().`as`(
    // options.gcpCredential = AppHelper.getGCloudCredentials(options.serviceAccountPath)

    // Define pipeline
    val pipe = Pipeline.create(options)
        PassthroughTransform<String> {
            println("Result -> $it")

    // Run the pipeline
    try {"Start running pipeline reading from {}", options.inputFilePattern)
    } catch (e: RuntimeException) {
        logger.error("Job failed due to runtime exception: ${e.message}", e)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        logger.error("Unexpected Exception: ${e.message}", e)

The error is clearly on the step of where the inputFilePattern is set to gs://apache-beam-samples/shakespeare/*. The error seems to imply that I am attempting to read a Impulse.out which is not true.

Any idea what that error means?


  • After a lot of research, I came across the issue below that is similar to the question I raised:

    I am too building a fat jar and the moment that I replaced one jar with all the required jars to the --jar method of gcloud dataflow flex-template build, I finally managed to run the flex template in Dataflow.

    Which made me wonder why Google doesn't allow passing wild card into the --jar option. The lack of this wild card option is what led me to create fat jar in the first place.