I parse an XML file in C++ using the SAX2 api of Xerces-C. So I do implement the DefaultHandler interface and its functions
void startElement(
const XMLCh* const uri,
const XMLCh* const localname,
const XMLCh* const qname,
const xercesc::Attributes& attrs
void endElement(
const XMLCh* const uri,
const XMLCh* const localname,
const XMLCh* const qname
When the xml file has a syntax error, the thrown SAXParseException gives me the line number where the error occurred and I can print the error line to the user.
In my application it is possible that the syntax is well formed but the contained data doesn't have much sense. In this case I would also like to print the error line to the user. But I didn't find a way to get the current line number, because the xml is syntactically correct and there is no SAXParseException thrown. Is there a way to get the line number of a tag?
Override the setDocumentLocator()
method in your class derived from xercesc::DefaultHandler
to get hold of the xercesc::Locator
object. You can then call its getLineNumber()