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How jump to value in INSERT statement in IntelliJ IDEA query console?

Well, I've too long INSERT statement in IntelliJ query console.

INSERT INTO some_table(a, b, c,…)
    (1, 2, 3,…)

When I put cursor on specific column or related value - thanks IDEA - it highlights to me this relation: example

But what if statement contains many columns/values, that don't fit on the screen?

I wanna have possibility jump to value, associated with column, on which the cursor is located, or see value in Popup, like 'Quick Definition' action (Ctrl+Shift+I; Win).

So, tell me please, is there such action/hotkey or plugin, that allows to do this?


  • It seems that there is no functionallity of that kind in JetBrains IDEs. Can we ask you to create a feature request?