I am pretty new with boost:state_machine, so sorry if my question does not make. I am trying to do implement a state_machine which is itself a template:
namespace sc = boost::statechart;
template <typename T>
class CMainStateMachine : public sc::state_machine< CMainStateMachine < T >, CStateA <T> >
friend class CStateA < T >;
sc::state_machine< CMainStateMachine < T >, CStateA < T > > ()
template < typename T >
class CStateA : public sc::state_machine < CStateA < T >, CMainStateMachine < T > >
CStateA( my_context ctx ) : my_base(ctx)
when a try to compile it, it gives me next error:
expected ')' before 'ctx'
It seems the parenthesis are well balanced, so I have no idea what can be happening. Any suggestion?
Thank you in advance,
At least this basic example should compile.
As commented, it's not possible to reproduce your problem from the posted code. I came up with this - working - snippet trying to approximate your problem:
#include <boost/statechart/state_machine.hpp>
namespace sc = boost::statechart;
struct my_context {};
template <typename> class CStateA;
template <typename T> class CMainStateMachine : public sc::state_machine<CMainStateMachine<T>, CStateA<T>> {
friend class CStateA<T>;
CMainStateMachine() : sc::state_machine<CMainStateMachine<T>, CStateA<T>>() {}
template <typename T> class CStateA : public sc::state_machine<CStateA<T>, CMainStateMachine<T>> {
using my_base = sc::state_machine<CStateA, CMainStateMachine<T>>;
CStateA(my_context ctx) : my_base(ctx) {}
int main() {}
Which compiles fine. Obviously you have another problem.
Regardless of what concrete problem you had, I notice that there's a parallel "instantiation hierarchy" of machines and states by the same template argument.
This should immediately give you the idea to simplify by combining both under a single template:
template <typename T> struct SM {
struct CStateA;
struct CMainStateMachine : sc::state_machine<CMainStateMachine, CStateA> {
friend struct CStateA;
CMainStateMachine() : sc::state_machine<CMainStateMachine, CStateA>() {}
struct CStateA : sc::state_machine<CStateA, CMainStateMachine> {
using my_base = sc::state_machine<CStateA, CMainStateMachine>;
CStateA(my_context ctx) : my_base(ctx) {}
this might remove all the future complexity!