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xcode4:build depending on target

I have two targets for my project: one is the App, and the other is UT.I'd like to return different results for one method depending on the target.
I followed this link but failed.

I tried both:

  1. I use TARGET_NAME. I set OTHER_CFLAGS to contain -DTARGET_NAME=${TARGET_NAME} in the project setting. And then in the code:

NSString *returnStr = nil;
    returnStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\'%@\');",EventFunStr,dataStr];
#elif TARGET_NAME == LogicTest
    returnStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", dataStr];
return returnStr;

However it seems TARGET_NAME == PhotoAPI is always true.
2. I also use Preprocessor Macros, and I set APP for the App targtet and UT for UT. And In the code:

NSString *returnStr = nil;
#ifdef APP
    returnStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\'%@\');",EventFunStr,dataStr];
#elsedef UT
    returnStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", dataStr];
    returnStr = nil;
return returnStr;

And It always return nil.
I use LLVM GCC 4.2.

Can anyone help me?


  • The problem may be i the way you define the flags heres a good doc on using it to call NSLog only in DEBUG

    it said in comments If you’re going to use GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS instead of OTHER_CFLAGS, make sure to use the form “DEBUG=1″ instead of “-DDEBUG=1″