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Speaking urls in sitemap generated by tx_seo

I have a sitemap, generated by tx_seo for an extension "myext".

The sitemap works, but the links generated look like:


while they should look like:


I have already defined an appropriate routing in sites/mysite/config.yaml.

Is there a way to use the routeEnhancers of config.yaml to get readable urls in the sitemap as well?

Of course, I could build a new SitemapDataProvider-Class and create the links there. But this is duplicate code, and might have subtle differences to the solution in config.yaml. So my preferred way would be to use the mechanism defined in config.yaml - but I can't find any hint how that could possibly work.

Here is the configuration I use in config.yaml:

    type: PageType
      sitemap.xml: 1533906435
    type: Extbase
    extension: MyExt
    plugin: Pi1
    defaultController: 'Mycontroller::list'
    limitToPages: [12345]
      - routePath: '/mypath/{question}/{tab}/{theme}'
        _controller: 'Mycontroller::show'
        type: PersistedAliasMapper
        tableName: tx_myext_domain_model_question
        routeFieldName: path_segment
        type: PersistedAliasMapper
        tableName: tx_myext_domain_model_theme
        routeFieldName: name
        type: StaticRangeMapper
        start: '1'
        end: '3'


  • The configuration currently only configures a single route which expects three arguments:

    1. question
    2. tab
    3. theme

    The sitemap generates a link containing only a uid argument. Therefore there is no route configured that can be used. You would either need to configure a route for only uid argument. Or you need to adjust the proper building of the URLs for your sitemap to include the arguments question, tab and theme instead of uid.

    So I guess you need proper configuration of your sitemap, following: There you can configure the url to build for each record, no need to build a custom PHP class.

    This is the example taken from docs for completeness in case the link might no longer include the example:

    plugin.tx_seo {
        config {
            <sitemapType> {
                sitemaps {
                    <unique key> {
                        provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider
                        config {
                            table = news_table
                            sortField = sorting
                            lastModifiedField = tstamp
                            changeFreqField = news_changefreq
                            priorityField = news_priority
                            additionalWhere = AND (no_index = 0 OR no_follow = 0)
                            pid = <page id('s) containing news records>
                            recursive = <number of subpage levels taken into account beyond the pid page. (default: 0)>
                            url {
                                pageId = <your detail page id>
                                fieldToParameterMap {
                                    uid = tx_extension_pi1[news]
                                additionalGetParameters {
                                    tx_extension_pi1.controller = News
                                    tx_extension_pi1.action = detail