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How can I parse data from a JSON file into a new GeoJSON in Kotlin?

I am completely new to Kotlin and I have a task that I am trying to perform and cannot seem to find much documentation. I have coded what I need to do in JavaScript (see below), but I need to convert the same functionality to Kotlin. Basically, I have JSON file that contains coordinates within it. I need to extract these coordinates and push them into a brand new GeoJson variable. This is the code I need to convert, how can I go about doing this?

let routeTemp = {
    'type': 'FeatureCollection',
    'features': []

let geoTemp = {
        'type': 'Feature',
        'properties': {},
        'geometry': {
            'type': 'LineString',
            'coordinates': [],

function jsonToGeo(data) {
    for(track in data.track) {
        let coords = [data.track[track].Lon, data.track[track].Lat];


  • My solution I ended up coming up with...

    Make sure to import this:

    import org.json.JSONObject

    I defined my JSON as a string globally, and then used it to construct a JSON Object:

    val jsonObject = JSONObject(jsonStr) // convert JSON string into JSON Object

    Include this in the onCreate function:

    val coordsLine =  parseJsonL()
    val  geoStr = geoTemp(coordsLine)

    Then define these functions:

    // function to parse line coordinates from JSON
    fun parseJsonL(): ArrayList<String> {
        // extract tracks as an array from JSON
        val trackArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("track")
        val coordList = ArrayList<String>()
        // iterate through coordinates for each track, extract as strings, and add to a list
        for (i in 0 until trackArray.length()) {
            val coordsL = trackArray.getJSONObject(i)
            val lon = coordsL.getString("Lon")
            val lat = coordsL.getString("Lat")
            coordList.add("[$lon, $lat]")
        return coordList
    // function to insert coordinates into GeoJSON template
    fun geoTemp(coordsLine: ArrayList<String>): String {
        val geoStr = """
                    "type": "FeatureCollection",
                    "features": [
                            "type": "Feature",
                            "properties": {
                                "name": "Sea Wall Route"
                            "geometry": {
                                "type": "LineString",
                                "coordinates": $coordsLine
        return geoStr

    I'm open to suggestions for improving this code since, again, I'm very new to Kotlin :)