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More sound approach to designing a spline functor?

I have made the following definition of a spline data structure:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BSpline
    knots: Vec<f32>,
    control_points: Vec<Vec3>,
    /// Internal helper variable. Used to optimize repetetitive samplings on close
    /// $t$ values.
    last_t_index: usize,
    order: usize,

impl BSpline
    pub fn sample(&self, t: f32) -> Vec3
        debug_assert!(self.control_points.len() >= self.order);

        let t = f32::clamp(t, self.knots[0], *self.knots.last().unwrap());

        let mut t_index = self.last_t_index;
        while !(t >= self.knots[t_index] && t <= self.knots[t_index + 1])
            t_index = (t_index + 1) % self.knots.len();

        // TODO(low): find a better way than this hack.
        let ptr = &self.last_t_index as *const usize as *mut usize;
        unsafe {
            ptr.write(usize::min(t_index, self.order - 1));
        // Create the cache to compute the pyramid of intermediate evaluations.
        let order = self.order;
        let degree = order - 1;
        let mut evaluation = Vec::new();

        for i in 0..order
            evaluation.push(self.control_points[t_index - degree + i]);

        for l in
            for j in ((l + 1)..=degree).rev()
                let alpha = (t - self.knots[t_index - degree + j])
                    / (self.knots[t_index - l + j] - self.knots[t_index - degree + j]);
                evaluation[j] = (1.0 - alpha) * evaluation[j - 1] + alpha * evaluation[j];


Note the absolutely awful hack I needed to do to make the sample method take a reference rather than a mutable reference. Which of course makes the entire data structure unsound.

The reasons the hack:

  • I need to compute a lot of differential operators on the spline, which are defined generically, defining these operators to take FnMut instead of Fn leads to a lot of superflous cloning which is problematic.

  • I need this to be fast, I don't want the overhead from a mutex or even from an atomic boolean check.

  • UnsafeCells are not clonable.

The code is intended to be used in single threaded code only, and in that case this should work ok, but it's still a red flag. Is there something I can do to improve it?


  • Make last_t_index a Cell<usize>. It provides interior mutability, is Clone-able, and has no runtime overhead. It does this by requiring that the .get() and .set() methods copy the value, but for usize that is of no concern.