I want to know whether the user is using the website from a desktop or a mobile so that I can adjust my UI according to the person's device (desktop or mobile).
How can I check this in TMS WEB Core using Delphi?
There are multiple ways you can do this, but here are three of the ways that I found:
You can use the Application.IsMobile
function to check if it's a mobile or desktop device. This function will literally just return a boolean that says True
or False
depending on whether it's a mobile or not:
if Application.IsMobile then
ShowMessage('This is a mobile device')
ShowMessage('This is not a mobile device');
This is also the recommended method to check if it's a mobile device or desktop device.
You could write your own IsMobile
function that uses the browser's window width.
This isn't 100% accurate as it doesn't check if it's actually a mobile device or not, but rather assumes it's a mobile device if the width is very small. This is fairly common practice in websites using CSS Media Queries.
function CheckMobile(): Boolean;
Result := window.outerWidth < 800;
You can change the "800" to whatever you want "mobile" to be, and then you can use it like this:
if CheckMobile then
ShowMessage('This is a mobile device')
ShowMessage('This is not a mobile device');
This is very similar to using the browser's window width, but here you're using the form's width. So assuming your form's name is Form1
, then you can do:
if (Form1.Width < 800) then
ShowMessage('This is a mobile device')
ShowMessage('This is not a mobile device');