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How to Get JSON output from ExchangeOnline command execution using powershell

I would like to execute ExchangeOnline command and convert it to JSON by selecting certain properties, all in single command!

For example, the output for my command to get RecipientPermissions for each SharedMailbox is:

// command

Get-EXOMailbox -RecipientTypeDetails "SharedMailbox" -ResultSize unlimited | foreach { Get-EXORecipientPermission -Identity $_.Identity } 

The sample output for above command is

 Identity          : testexosv
 Trustee           : NT AUTHORITY\SELF
 AccessControlType : Allow
 AccessRights      : {SendAs}
 IsInherited       : False
 InheritanceType   : All

 Identity          : SMBP
 Trustee           : 2b33e774737b4da26c2e551c00f
 AccessControlType : Allow
 AccessRights      : {SendAs}
 IsInherited       : False
 InheritanceType   : None

Firstly, I would like to convert the above output to JSON. So, if I simply pipe it to ConvertTo-Json , the value for AccessRights is lost as follows:

       "Identity": "SMBP",
       "Trustee": "2b33e774737b4da26c2e551c00f",
       "AccessControlType": "Allow",
       "AccessRights": [
       "IsInherited": false,
       "InheritanceType": "None"
       "Identity": "testexosv",
       "Trustee": "NT AUTHORITY\\SELF",
       "AccessControlType": "Allow",
       "AccessRights": [
       "IsInherited": false,
       "InheritanceType": "All"

Secondly, I want to select only specific properties in the result, for example: Identity, Trustee, AccessRights , rename them to arbitrary keys and still maintain the Json structure. So the o/p I actually want is:

       "ShareMailbox": "SMBP",
       "UPN": "2b33e774737b4da26c2e551c00f",  
       "Roles": [
       "SharedMailbox": "testexosv",
       "Roles": [

I have tried following command:

 Get-EXOMailbox -RecipientTypeDetails "SharedMailbox" -ResultSize unlimited 
 | foreach { Get-EXORecipientPermission -Identity $_.Identity 
 | foreach {$_.Identity, $_.Trustee, [String]$_.AccessRights } | ConvertTo-Json} 

But it is just providing the JSON array, and not JSON object. Output for above command is



  • Get-EXOMailbox -RecipientTypeDetails "SharedMailbox" -ResultSize unlimited |
     ForEach-Object Identity |
     Get-EXORecipientPermission |
     Select-Object Identity, Trustee, AccessRights |
     ConvertTo-Json -EnumAsStrings


    • Get-EXORecipientPermission may accept Get-EXOMailbox output directly as pipeline input (I cannot personally verify that), in which case you can remove the ForEach-Object Identity pipeline segment.

    • Select-Object is used to extract only the properties of interest (which are added to [pscustomobject] instances with properties of the same name containing static copies of the input objects' property values).

    • ConvertTo-Json's -EnumAsStrings switch - available in PowerShell (Core) 7+ only - ensures that instances of [enum]-derived values - which are by default serialized by their underlying numeric values - are instead serialized by their symbolic names, i.e. as strings.