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Compute corpus-level BLEU score for translations in Python via SacreBLEU

I have more than 100K pairs of the parallel corpus. Samples:

  ["How are you doing today", "comment allez-vous aujourd'hui"], 
  ["Look out! He is a thief", "Chercher! C'est un voleur"], 
  ...(and a lot more pairs of English-French translations)

From evaluate Python library, the sample code is as follow:

import evaluate
predictions = ["hello there general kenobi", "foo bar foobar"]
references = [["hello there general kenobi", "hello there !"], ["foo bar foobar", "foo bar foobar"]]
sacrebleu = evaluate.load("sacrebleu")
results = sacrebleu.compute(predictions=predictions,  references=references)

which will print 100.0000004, since there is an exact match of the predictions from the references.

I would like to obtain the corpus-level BLEU Score of the above parallel datasets, in order to know the quality of translations. How can I adjust the codes to apply the dataset? Thanks.


  • The problem you are describing can be reproduced on a single sentence pair:

    import sacrebleu
    sacrebleu.raw_corpus_bleu("hit the ceiling", "hit the roof", 0.0).score / 100

    Which returns 1.0000000000000004.

    If we wrap the reference in a list:

    sacrebleu.raw_corpus_bleu("hit the ceiling", ["hit the roof"], 0.0).score / 100

    we now get 0.5999999999999999

    I am not familiar with the function you used but you can find the reference with the highest score this way too.