Used pybind11 in the past without issue pulled in as a submodule and used via cmake. Now working on another project that uses poetry, and so wanted to make everything poetry-centric.
Trying to build this simple example project results in the failure
Preparing build environment with build-system requirements poetry-core>=1.0.0
Building poetry-pybind11-integration (0.1.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/blah/poetry-pybind11-integration/", line 1, in <module>
from pybind11.setup_helpers import Pybind11Extension, build_ext
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pybind11'
where the first line of is from pybind11.setup_helpers import Pybind11Extension, build_ext
and pybind11 is listed in the toml.
There is an un-merged (at the time of writing) pull request that holds the solution. In the build settings in the config, build system should be adjusted as shown
# requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
requires = [
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
EDIT: It turns out there were more changes than this needed so I've set out a simple example project here for anyone stumbling upon this in the future.