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Using NextUI Pressable Card and Modals with React useState

I am using Next.js and the NextUI component library to create a pressable NextUI card, where upon clicking, will open up a NextUI modal. I have customized the card component in a myCard.js file. I have customized the desired modal component in a myModal.js file. I will be rendering the two in an index.js file where all of my other components get rendered. My current implementation has a pressable card, but when clicking on the card, the modal does not show up.


const myCard = ({openModal}) =>
   *** setup code ***
   *** more code ***


const myModal = ({isModalOpen, closeModal}) => {
   *** setup code ***
   return (
             {(onClose) => (
                  *** modal content ***


*** some other code ***

const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);

  const openModal = () => {

  const closeModal = () => {

return (
  <ListCard openModal={openModal}/>
*** other code ***

My best guess is that the since my components are in separate files, the state values are not being communicated properly. (If I replace myCard with just a button, it works as expected). What is the most optimal way to get the pressable Card to function properly as a button that opens up the modal?


  • So basically, you want to make a Card which when clicked shows a Modal !

    With respect to NextUI documentation you won't even need to use any states for handling Opening & Closing of Modal.

    const { isOpen, onOpen, onOpenChange } = useDisclosure();

    Look at the 1st Example :

    They have provided a hook, which handles all this states. You just have to set them on your Card component. Card has isPressable prop, you pass

    <Card onPress={onOpen} isPressable={true} >
    • Yes you should keep the component that opens Modal together with modal or else you have to pass props this makes it unnecessarily difficult.
    • Instead keep them together, & handle opening closing using useDisclosure() hook.

    Below is a component I made :

    PressableCard.js Import it in a page & use.

    'use client'
    import React from 'react'
    import { Button, Card, CardBody, Modal, ModalBody, ModalContent, ModalFooter, ModalHeader, useDisclosure } from "@nextui-org/react";
    const PressableCard = () => {
        const { isOpen, onOpen, onOpenChange } = useDisclosure();
        console.log("isOpen : ", isOpen);
        return (
                <Card onPress={onOpen} isPressable={true} >
                    {/* PASS  onOpen TO onPress EVENT LISTENER*/}
                        <p>CLICK THIS CARD !!</p>
                <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onOpenChange={onOpenChange} isDismissable={false}>
                    {/* PASS isOpen STATE FROM  useDisclosure HOOK*/}
                        {(onClose) => (
                                <ModalHeader >MODAL HEADER</ModalHeader>
                                        Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita, officiis?
                                    <Button color="danger" variant="light"
                                        {/* PASS  onClose FUNCTION TO onPress EVENT LISTENER*/}
                                    <Button color="success" variant="light"
                                        {/* PASS  onClose OR ANY OTHER FUNCTION TO onPress EVENT LISTENER*/}
    export default PressableCard

    Explaination :

    'use client' because these components cannot be rendered server-side as it uses events. Remove 'use client' & read the error.

    I have kept Card & Modal together, passed these states/values & functions const { isOpen, onOpen, onOpenChange } = useDisclosure();

    Card :

    Made Card pressable & passed a function on its onPress event:


    Modal :

    Modal is opened/closed based on


    so Modal's isOpen = isOpen from useDisclosure.

    Similarly, Modal's onOpenChange={onOpenChange} from useDisclosure.

    • To get more idea about useDisclosure(), select useDisclosure() in your code editor & press F12 it will show you what functions & values it returns.
    • I have also console logged isOpen state/value, so when you click on card you can see it change in console.

    You may also read :

    If there's anything I left out, missed out, Please leave a comment. I will edit this answer.