I would like to change the colour of the background to the InAppSettingsKit view to be black and I would also like to update the navbar colour to a dark grey. However I can't seem to find any details on how to do this.
I have considered just going into the XIB file and changing it manually but it doesn't seem like the right approach. Please can someone help me out?
I assume you wanna target older iOS releases than 5.0. (For 5.0 and up you could leverage the new UIAppearance stuff.)
If it's just about changing the navigation bar and the striped tableView background, it's pretty easy: I suggest overriding +[UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor]
using a category on UIColor
to return your black color. The navigation bar is even easier, because IASK should inherit the navigation bar from your navigation controller.
If your needs are more complicated, you might wanna resort changing the XIBs.