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How to serve Yolo 8 captured frames using Pyramid web server

I'm a newbie and haven't worked with the Pyramid library/framework before.

I have a script that, based on yolo and supervision, detects, tracks and counts objects. It works great.

Previously, I used streamlit to see the result, but now I need to make a serious application based on this script.

I settled on the fact that I received an annotated frame, and all the logic of the script works. I have attached a piece of script for understanding

Now I need to open this frame stream in Pyramid.

Please tell me how and where to start? I need a general understanding of the interaction of the existing script with Pyramid; maybe there is an explanatory manual on this topic.

Code examples are not needed - I want to figure it out myself, but the basic steps are very necessary. Thank you

def main():
    rtsp_url = "rtsp://"  # Replace with your actual fixed RTSP URL
    cap = VideoCapture(rtsp_url)
    count_object_instance = CountObject(rtsp_url)

    while True:
        frame =
        annotated_frame = count_object_instance.process_frame(frame)
        # Do something with the annotated frame

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • Pyramid is a Python framework for building websites. What you are asking is doable. However, the scope of the question is way too wide to be answerable.

    Here is an attempt to answer

    • Study how to use Pyramid to run a web server in your application
    • Create application with different threads: one for reading media, one for serving HTTP requests
    • Have a way of these two threads to communicate with each other e.g. using Python's Queue class
    • Media thread reads a frame from the video capturing device
    • Puts it to the queue
    • Pyramid has an API endpoint image that reads the latest frame from the queue
    • Encodes it as JPEG
    • Writes the JPEG data to Pyramid's HTTP Response object

    Here is an example of how to embed Pyramid web server in your application.

    Here is an example of how to encode a live image and serve it from Pyramid's API endpoint.