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Hashtables: Use previous property to generate next property

Is there a way to generate a Hashtable that uses properties just defined in the hashtable to create the next property down the line? I know I can just do it line by line instead, but I would like to maintain the formatting I currently have as I like how it reads.

$RequestedSpace = @{}
$RequestedSpace = @{
    Gb = (Read-Host "How much space (in Gb) would you like left over?")
    b = $RequestedSpace.Gb * 1Gb

The above results in a null value for $RequestedSpace.b

The below works, but is significantly uglier IMO

$RequestedSpace = @{}
$RequestedSpace.Gb = Read-Host "How much space (in Gb) would you like left over?"
$RequestedSpace.b = [bigint]$RequestedSpace.Gb * 1gb


  • You can take advantage of the fact that:

    • you can define an auxiliary variable and use the assignment as an expression by enclosing it in (...), the grouping operator, which passes the assigned value through

    • entries are defined in sequence, so subsequent entries can refer to aux. variables defined earlier.

      # Note the *definition* of aux. variable $gb
      Gb = ($gb = [double] (Read-Host "How much space (in Gb) would you like left over?"))
      # Note the *use* of $gb
      b = $gb * 1Gb

    Assuming you enter 2 when prompted, you'l get the following display output:

    Name                           Value
    ----                           -----
    Gb                             2
    b                              2147483648
