I have this class:
class IsarHelperSiniestro {
late Isar isarInstance;
IsarHelperSiniestro() {
isarInstance = IsarService().db as Isar;
static IsarHelperSiniestro instance = IsarHelperSiniestro();
And this class:
class IsarService{
late Future<Isar> db;
db = openDb();
Future<Isar> openDb() async {
final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return await Isar.open([UsuarioSchema, SiniestroSchema, ActaSchema], directory: dir.path, inspector: true);
return Future.value(Isar.getInstance());
But it is sending me the error shown in the screenshot:
My question is how do I make Future be passed to only Isar and pass it to the late Isar variable isarInstance.
You can use .then
on Future
IsarHelperSiniestro() {
IsarService().db.then((value) => isarInstance = value);
I prefer creating Future instance for this case,
late Future<Isar> _db;
And when I need to use it await _db