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How to jump to parent's bracket in Intellij?

function outerFunction() { // 3

    function innerFunction() { // 2

        // 1


My cursor is currently at position 1. After I use this keyboard shortcut, the cursor should now be at position 2. After I press the same shortcut again, the cursor should be at position 3.

There is a similar keyboard shortcut in Visual Studio Code


  • The keyboard shortcut command is called Move Caret to Code Block End/Start

    On Mac:

    + + ] ... Move Caret to Code Block Start

    + + [ ... Move Caret to Code Block End

    On Windows:

    Ctrl + [ ... Move Caret to Code Block Start

    Ctrl + ] ... Move Caret to Code Block End

    To edit the keymap:

    Keymap > Editor Actions > Move Caret to Code Block End/Start