I have Data Build Tools (BDT) macro for Snowflake tables in aws and the snowflake table table name is source.customer. The macro is here:
{% macro get_customer(customer_status='active') -%}
{{ source("source", "customer") }}
{% if customer_status.lower() == 'active' -%}
customerdesc = 'Existing' and customer_status = 0
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}
I add tests folder in dbt_project.yml file and create a test cases store under the tests folder. my test cases is here:
{% test get_customer_active %}
expect query
with expected as (
select 'Existing' as customerdesc, 0 as customer_status
{{ get_customer('active') }}
union all
select * from expected;
I run the test case at this command:
dbt test --select get_customer_active
The test run is success, and I get this message "The selection criterion 'get_customer_active' does not match any nodes"
Actually, the test case does not test the macor.
Question: How to test DBT macro?
We can use the following queries to verify the macro
select customer_status,customerdesc
from get_customer('status')
replace status with the following status