I was trying to apply some changes to my code to disable logging on the load balancers, the pulumi up was successful to all resources but one and it's showing this error.
Type Name Status Info
pulumi:pulumi:Stack upcoupons-live **failed** 1 error
└─ gcp:utils:Site live-mcfr-component
└─ gcp:utils:ClassName live-loadbalancer-mcfr-component
~ └─ gcp:compute:BackendService live-bs-mcfr **updating failed** [diff: +logConfig]; 1 error
pulumi:pulumi:Stack (upcoupons-live):
error: update failed
gcp:compute:BackendService (live-bs-mcfr):
error: 1 error occurred:
* updating urn:pulumi:live::upcoupons::gcp:utils:Site$gcp:utils:ClassName$gcp:compute/backendService:BackendService::live-bs-mcfr: 1 error occurred:
* Error updating BackendService "projects/xxx/global/backendServices/live-bs-mcfr": googleapi: Error 412: Invalid fingerprint., conditionNotMet
Here are some more details about the change:
pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (same)
~ gcp:compute/backendService:BackendService: (update)
+ logConfig : {
+ enable : false
What I can do to make pulumi update that configuration? I couldn't find anything related to pulumi about this weird error. Not sure what this fingerprint is and why just failed for one resource.
Any help will be much appreciated.
The error has been fixed by running pulumi refresh, then the fingerprint got updated allowing to apply the changes.
pulumi refresh -t <Resource_URN>
Type Name Plan Info
pulumi:pulumi:Stack upcoupons-live
~ └─ gcp:compute:BackendService live-bs-mcfr update [diff: ~fingerprint,localityLbPolicy]