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Laravel error on GMAIL smtp usage: 'Connection could not be established with host "mailpit:1025"'

I'm trying to send emails through Laravel and Gmail usage, nevertheless, it throws this error:

Connection could not be established with host "mailpit:1025": stream_socket_client(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for mailpit failed: No such host is known.

I don't understand why it tries to connect to Mailpit instead of Gmail.

My .env file looks like this:

MAIL_PASSWORD=[google app password]

and my routing looks like this:

Route::get('/senMail', function () {

    try {
        Mail::to('’')->send(new Subscribe());
    } catch (Throwable $e) {
        return '<div>FAILED ' . $e . '</div>';

the subscribe template is a regular php artisan make:mail Subscribe --markdown=emails.subscribers

I tried to run php artisan cache:clear and php artisan config:clear but error kept being thrown, I also changed port 587 to 465 with no success.

Also tried this config in config/mail.php file:

        'stream' => [
            'ssl' => [
                'allow_self_signed' => true,
                'verify_peer' => false,
                'verify_peer_name' => false,


  • by @aynber: "Try grep -R mailpit * | egrep -v storage from your project root to find out where it's been referenced."

    Its been a little long time since i had thsi issue, but this helped me find the line of code that was still using other smtp provider. Just replaced it with mine.