I was trying to simulate a sequence of measures of heights and weights of horses by breed, sampling the data from a list of breeds of horses available in the UK. I ended up using a very long code made of lots of copy-paste and I think there must be a more efficient way to do this, but I tried with the apply
functions, but I was unsuccessful.
The MWE is the following
horses_meas <- tribble(
~breed, ~mean_h, ~sd_h, ~mean_w, ~sd_w,
"Hannover", 1.69, 0.10, 600, 25,
"Arabian", 1.50, 0.05, 400, 45,
"Holsteiner", 1.68, 0.05, 575, 125
# Simulation by breed
type_1 <- bind_cols(breed = rep(horses_meas$breed[1], 20),
weight = rnorm(20, horses_meas$mean_w[1], horses_meas$sd_w[1]),
height = rnorm(20, horses_meas$mean_h[1], horses_meas$sd_h[1]))
type_2 <- bind_cols(breed = rep(horses_meas$breed[2], 20),
weight = rnorm(20, horses_meas$mean_w[2], horses_meas$sd_w[2]),
height = rnorm(20, horses_meas$mean_h[2], horses_meas$sd_h[2]))
type_3 <- bind_cols(breed = rep(horses_meas$breed[3], 20),
weight = rnorm(20, horses_meas$mean_w[3], horses_meas$sd_w[3]),
height = rnorm(20, horses_meas$mean_h[3], horses_meas$sd_h[3]))
horses <- bind_rows(type_1, type_2, type_3)
Can you please help me transforming this into a more effective piece of code? I would like to be able to select a different number of horses (the ones in the MWE are just the outcome of a random sampling, but ideally this number may vary), and I don't want every time to cut and paste all the type_i
I reckon that something like assigning a temporary variable x <- NULL
and then creating a list x['breed']
to fill in with for
could help, but I would like to do this with the apply
functions or using the tidyverse
Thank you for any help you may give me.
One tidyverse
approach would be to use purrr::pmap
to loop over the rows of horses_meas
like so:
function(breed, mean_w, sd_w, mean_h, sd_h, n) {
breed = breed,
weight = rnorm(n, mean_w, sd_w),
height = rnorm(n, mean_h, sd_h)
n = 5
) |>
#> breed weight height
#> 1 Hannover 585.9881 1.861506
#> 2 Hannover 594.2456 1.736092
#> 3 Hannover 638.9677 1.563494
#> 4 Hannover 601.7627 1.621315
#> 5 Hannover 603.2322 1.645434
#> 6 Arabian 455.0837 1.589346
#> 7 Arabian 416.1916 1.524893
#> 8 Arabian 418.0347 1.401669
#> 9 Arabian 404.9807 1.535068
#> 10 Arabian 374.9871 1.476360
#> 11 Holsteiner 441.5220 1.595665
#> 12 Holsteiner 547.7531 1.721889
#> 13 Holsteiner 446.7494 1.687669
#> 14 Holsteiner 483.8886 1.623093
#> 15 Holsteiner 496.8701 1.742691