I have an url value stored in a column url in mytable. when the Interactive Report created, I use that column as LINK, in the target atribute URL chosen and its value setted into substiutation value &url. but the url shown as text plain inside tag of the column. I want to be a value of an href attribute in tag as it's default with any value in url target attribute but not column substitution.
when column substitution used: &url. it shown in the document as <span></span>
when I use the url used directly, it shown in the document as <a href=""></a>
how to show the url substitiution as value of href attribute?
You state "Interactive Report" but you use the &COLUMN_NAME. syntax. That syntax is for Interactive Grid, not Interactive Report. In an interactive report the syntax is #COLUMN_NAME#
I did a test in an interactive report using the #URL# syntax with a column of type "Link" and the html generated contained the href="
. Alternatively I used a column of type "Plain Text" with a column expression with value #LINK_NAME# - that generated identical markup as the other column.